








  1. 创建申请表(在个人中心中选择“申请”,点击“创建”,在“申请类型”中填入相应名称):
  • “外市学生申请”:如果你是外市或者外国学生(在圣彼得堡没有常住记录)。如果存在规定中8.12.8.2条所列出的优惠情况,请在学生说明事项一栏中指明。
  • “圣彼得堡常住学生申请”:如果你在圣彼得堡有常住记录(规定地8条)。如果有规定1.8.1和1.8.2条所列出的理由,请在“学生说明事项”一栏中指明。
  1. 生成申请表(点击“打印申请”,打开以PDF格式保存的文件,检查所有个人信息是否正确,检查申请号码和日期)
  2. 上传申请表(在“申请文件”中点击“创建”,在打开的窗口中,从列表里选择“文件类型”:“个人申请(宿舍)”。填写“名称”(住宿)、“号码”(创建申请的号码:ПО-ХХХХХХХ)、“日期”(创建申请的日期)等内容,在“文件链接”中点击“预览”附上所保存的文件(第2条)。点击“OK”。)
  3. (*如有)指明优惠政策(如果存在规定8.1条中的优惠条件,请在“申请种类”中指出所确认的种类,并注明“数据准确”)。
  4. (*如有)在“申请文件”中附上说明(如有)中能够享受优惠条件的文件,从列表中选择相应的文件类型进行操作。
  5. 保存申请(点击“保存”键)。










  1. 创建申请表(在个人中心中选择“申请”,点击“创建”,在“申请类型”中填入“延长住宿申请(外市)”)。如果复合规定中第18条所列出的可以在休学期间延长住宿的理由,请在学生说明中指明。
  2. 生成申请表(点击“打印申请”,打开以PDF格式保存的文件,检查所有个人信息是否正确,检查申请号码和日期)
  3. 上传申请表(在“申请文件”中点击“创建”,在打开的窗口中,从列表里选择“文件类型”:“个人申请(宿舍)”。填写“名称”(延长)、“号码”(创建申请的号码:ПО-ХХХХХХХ)、“日期”(创建申请的日期)等内容,在“文件链接”中点击“预览”附上所保存的文件(第2条)。点击“OK”。)
  4. (*休学期间延长住宿)在“申请文件”中附上说明中所指出的休学期间延长住宿理由的文件,从列表中选择相应的文件类型。
  5. 保存申请(点击“保存”键)。









  • 你是外市或者外国学生(在圣彼得堡没有常住记录),你的家属没有圣彼得堡常住记录;
  • 你目前没有在休学或者休假。
  • 你目前住在圣彼得堡国立大学宿舍(已签署租赁合同)或者已在个人中心提交你本人的住宿申请。


  1. 创建申请表(在个人中心中选择“申请”,点击“创建”,在“申请类型”中填入“额外名额申请(外市)”)。学生说明中填写需要住宿人员的姓名。
  2. 生成申请表(点击“打印申请”,打开以PDF格式保存的文件,检查所有个人信息是否正确,检查申请号码和日期)
  3. 上传申请表(在“申请文件”中点击“创建”,在打开的窗口中,从列表里选择“文件类型”:“个人申请(宿舍)”。填写“名称”(额外名额)、“号码”(创建申请的号码:ПО-ХХХХХХХ)、“日期”(创建申请的日期)等内容,在“文件链接”中点击“预览”附上所保存的文件(第2条)。点击“OK”。)
  4. 上传说明中所填家庭成员的文件,在“申请文件”中的列表中选择相应文件类型:
  • 对于未成年子女或者不满15岁学生的家长(规定第11条),子女需提供出生证明,家长需提供出生证明和护照
  • 对于夫妻(规定第13条),需要提供婚姻证明、另一方护照(护照信息页,俄罗斯公民还需提供登记地址页)
  • 对于外国公民,还需附上相应文件的翻译(盖章证明)
  1. 保存申请(点击“保存”键)








  • 目前没有住在瓦西里岛或者涅瓦区的宿舍中(现住在彼得戈夫宿舍,借住在亲友家或者租房居住)
  • 外城市或者外国学生(在圣彼得堡没有常住记录)
  • 以面授的形式学习圣彼得堡国立大学教育课程
  • 不在排号序列(个人中心“更换宿舍登记号”一栏中没有编号)




  1. 创建申请表(在个人中心中选择“申请”,点击“创建”,在“申请类型”中填入“更换宿舍排号申请(瓦西里岛)”
  2. 保存申请表(点击“保存”)



How to apply to extend accommodation at the St Petersburg University hall of residence

To apply to extend accommodation at St Petersburg University hall of residence for the period of the academic leave or when the rental agreement expires before the completion of study in your degree programme, you should submit your application to extend accommodation at the hall of residence through your Personal Account.

Only those students who are already allocated to one of the St Petersburg University halls of residence (under the rental agreement), whose period of study exceeds the expiration date of the rental agreement, and who are on their academic leave may apply through their Personal Account to extend accommodation at the hall of residence.

Please note: we consider the applications complying with The Regulations for Providing Accommodation at St Petersburg University Halls of Residence.

To apply, you should:

1. Create application (through the Personal account menu, go to APPLICATIONS -> click CREATE -> in the field APPLICATION TYPE, print: APPLICATION TO EXTEND ACCOMMODATION AT HALL OF RESIDENCE (NONRESIDENTS). If you wish to extend accommodation for/during your academic leave under the reasons specified in Clause 2.18 of the Regulations, you should indicate this in the 'student's comments' field.

2. Generate application (press PRINT THE APPLICATION, open the document saved in PDF format, make sure all personal details are correct and the application reference number and the date are in place).

  1. Attach application (in the tab 'Attached documents' click CREATE. In the open window, select Document type - PERSONAL APPLICATION (HALLS OF RESIDENCE) from the drop-down list
  2. . Fill in the fields: 'Title' (extending), 'Number' (the application reference number - ПО-ХХХХХХХ), 'Date' (application date), in the field LINK TO DOCUMENT SCANNED and attach the saved document (step 2) through 'Browser'. Press OK.

4. (*To extend accommodation for/during your academic leave) Attach documents mentioned in the 'student's comments' field reasoning the extension of the accommodation at the hall of residence. To do so, click the tab 'Attached documents' and select the appropriate document type from the drop-down list similar to step 3.

5. Save the application (press the SAVE button).

After you have created the application, you should keep tracking its status. If the status changes to 'Returned to adjust', you have to read the feedback in the field 'Liaison's comments', introduce appropriate adjustments/attach the missing documents, and change the application status for 'ADJUSTMENTS MADE' (click the banner ADJUSTMENTS, indicate the introduced adjustments in the field for the comments, and press the SAVE button. (!) If you fail to adjust your application within three (3) workdays, your incomplete application will be rejected.

After the status changes to 'Complete', you can visit the Settlement Department to renew your rental agreement.

How to apply for settlement in St Petersburg University halls of residence

To apply for settlement in St Petersburg University halls of residence, the students studying in degree programmes should submit the application through the student’s Personal account.

Your application shall be considered if you are personally in need of accommodation and are not accommodated in a St Petersburg University hall of residence at the moment (you are not a party to a rental agreement)

Please note: we consider the applications based on the provisions of The Regulations for Providing Accommodation at St Petersburg University Halls of Residence.

To apply you should:

  1. Create your application (in the Personal account menu go to ‘APPLICATIONS’ -> click ‘CREATE’ -> in the field ‘APPLICATION TYPE’ type the respective title:
  • APPLICATION FOR SETTLEMENT IN HALLS OF RESIDENCE (NON-RESIDENTS) - if you are a non-resident or a foreign student(you do not possess permanent registration in St Petersburg). In case you enjoy benefits provided for by clauses 2.8.1 and 2.8.2 of the Regulations for Providing Accommodations at St Petersburg University Halls of Residence, please indicate such in the field ‘student’s comments’.
  • APPLICATION FOR SETTLEMENT IN HALLS OF RESIDENCE (PERMANENT REGISTRATION IN ST PETESBURG) - if you possess the permanent registration in St Petersburg (clause 1.8 of the foregoing Regulations). In case you enjoy benefits provided for by clauses 2.8.1 and 2.8.2 of the Regulations for Providing Accommodations at St Petersburg University Halls of Residence, please indicate such in the field ‘student’s comments’.
  1. Generate application (press PRINT THE APPLICATION, open the document saved in PDF format, make sure all personal details are correct, check the reference number of the application and its date).
  2. Attach application (in the tab ‘Attached documents’ click on ‘CREATE’. In the open window from the dropdown list select ‘Document type’ - PERSONAL APPLICATION (HALLS OF RESIDENCE)’. Fill in the fields: ‘Title (settlement), ‘Number’ (the application reference number - ПО-ХХХХХХХ), ‘Date’ (application date), in the field LINK TO DOCUMENT SCAN’ attach the saved document (cl. 2) through ‘Browser’ button. Press ‘OK’.
  3. (*If applicable) Indicate the benefits (if applicable as provided for in clause 2.8.1 of the Regulations, in the tab ‘Application Category’ leave confirmed categories with the mark ‘Data is accurate’).
  4. (*If applicable) Attach the documents referred to in the comments (if applicable) that entitle you to enjoy benefits (except clause 2.8.1 of the Regulations) in the tab ‘Documents in the application’, selecting respective type of documents from the dropdown list, similar to step 3.
  5. Save the application (press ‘SAVE’ button)

After you have created the application, you should keep tracking its status. Should the status ‘Returned to be adjusted’ appear, you have to read the text in the field ‘Liaison's comments’, introduce appropriate adjustments/attach the missing documents, and change the application status for ‘ADJUSTMENTS MADE’ (click the banner ‘ADJUSTMENTS’, indicate the introduced adjustments in the field for the comments, and press the ‘SAVE’ button. (!) In the event there are no adjustments within three (3) workdays, an incomplete application will be rejected

After the status has been changed to ‘Ready’, you can contact the Settlement Office to conclude the rental agreement.

How to apply for additional accommodation in St Petersburg University halls of residence for family members of non-resident/foreign students’ studying at St Petersburg University

To apply for additional places to accommodate your family members in St Petersburg University halls of residence, you should submit the application through the student’s Personal account.

Please note: we consider the applications based on the provisions of The Regulations for Providing Accommodation at St Petersburg University Halls of Residence.

St Petersburg University provides additional accommodation for student’s family members under the provisions of clauses 2.11 and 2.13 of the foregoing Regulations in the following periods:

- from 7 September to 15 August when accommodating the minors,

- from 1 November to 30 June when accommodating spouses.

Your application for additional accommodation in St Petersburg University halls of residence for your family members submitted through your Personal account shall be considered if:

  • you are a non-resident or foreign student (do not possess the permanent registration in the territory of St Petersburg), and your family members do not possess any registration in St Petersburg;
  • you are neither on your academic leave nor on any other type of vocation.
  • you are accommodated in one of St Petersburg University halls of residence (you are a party to the rental agreement) or you have applied for accommodation through your Personal account;

To apply for additional accommodation, you should:

  1. Create your application (in the Personal account menu go to ‘ASPPLICATIONS’ -> click ‘CREATE’ -> in the field ‘APPLICATION TYPE’ type: ‘APPLICATION FOR ADDITIONAL ACCOMMODATION (NON-RESIDENTS)’. In the field ‘student’s comments’, please indicate full names of your family members concerned for accommodation.
  2. Generate application (press PRINT THE APPLICATION, open the document saved in PDF format, make sure all personal details are correct, check the reference number of the application and its date).
  3. Attach application (in the tab ‘Attached documents’ click on ‘CREATE’. In the open window from the dropdown list select ‘Document type’ - PERSONAL APPLICATION (HALLS OF RESIDENCE)’. Fill in the fields: ‘Title (additional accommodation), ‘Number’ (the application reference number - ПО-ХХХХХХХ), ‘Date’ (application date), in the field LINK TO DOCUMENT SCAN’ attach the saved document (cl. 2) through ‘Browser’ button. Press ‘OK’.
  4. Attach documents of the family members specified in the comments to the tab ‘Documents for the application’, selecting the respective type of documents from the dropdown list similar to step 3:
  • to accommodate students’ parents or students’ minor children under the age of 15 (clause 2.11 of the Regulations) - child’s birth certificates;
  • to accommodate a parent - student’s birth certificate and the parent’s ID;
  • to accommodate students’ spouses (clause 2.13 of the Regulations) - marriage certificate and the spouse’s ID (the page with data and for Russian residents - the page with the registered address)
  • foreign nationals should provide documents with their translations (Apostil) attached.
  1. Save the application (press ‘SAVE’ button)

After you have created the application, you should keep tracking its status. Should the status ‘Returned to be adjusted’ appear, you have to read the text in the field ‘Liaison's comments’, introduce appropriate adjustments/attach the missing documents, and change the application status for ‘ADJUSTMENTS MADE’ (click the banner ‘ADJUSTMENTS’, indicate the introduced adjustments in the field for the comments, and press the ‘SAVE’ button. (!) In the event there are no adjustments within three (3) workdays, an incomplete application will be rejected

After the status has been changed to ‘Ready’, you can contact the Settlement Office to be provided with additional accommodation.

(!) Please note that at the moment of application, the Settlement Office provide accommodation if there is an availability of a room/block to accommodate all family members.

How to submit application for the Unified Waiting List for resettlement

To be included in the Unified Waiting List for resettlement to St Petersburg University halls of residence in Vasileostrovsky or Nevsky districts of St Petersburg, one should submit the application through the student’s Personal account.

The application to be included in the ‘Unified Waiting List for Resettlement (in VO) submitted through the Personal account shall be considered if:

  • you are not accommodated in one of the halls of residence located in Vasileostrovsky or Nevsky districts of St Petersburg(you are accommodated either in the hall of residence in Peterhof, or reside at relatives’ place, or in rented accommodation),
  • you are a non-resident or a foreign student(you do not possess permanent registration in St Petersburg),
  • you are a full-time student in a degree programme at St Petersburg University,
  • you are not in the Unified Waiting List(in your Personal account, there is no indication in the field ‘registration number of the application for resettlement’)

Please note: First year students, accommodated in the hall of residence in Peterhof according to the lists before the academic year, shall be included in the Unified Waiting List for Resettlement by default as early as of 1 October; there is no need to submit the applications for resettlement. 

Please note: we consider the applications based on the provisions of The Regulations for Providing Accommodation at St Petersburg University Halls of Residence.

To submit your application, you are required to:

  1. Create your application (in the Personal account menu go to ‘APPLICATIONS’ -> click ‘CREATE’ -> in the field ‘APPLICATION TYPE’ type: ‘TO APPLY FOR THE UNIFIED WAITING LIST FOR RESETTLEMENT (in VO)’
  2. Save the application (press ‘SAVE’ button)

After you have created the application, you should keep tracking its status. Only after the status has been changed to Ready, does your registration number appear in the field ‘registration number of the application for resettlement’. That enables you to track your application on the St Petersburg University portal (your registration number appears in the Unified Waiting List for resettlement after the next update; the update data is indicated under the link to the waiting list file).

PLEASE NOTE: At present, the generated registration numbers of students already included in the Unified Waiting List in particular cases may not be seen in the Personal account due to some technical reasons. In such cases, your application is given the status ‘Denied’ with the indication of your registration number both in the field for liaison's comments and in the respective field in your Personal account. The work to eliminate technical problems is underway.

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