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  • How to apply for additional accommodation in St Petersburg University halls of residence for family members of non-resident/foreign students’ studying at St Petersburg University

How to apply for additional accommodation in St Petersburg University halls of residence for family members of non-resident/foreign students’ studying at St Petersburg University

Дата публикации:

To apply for additional places to accommodate your family members in St Petersburg University halls of residence, you should submit the application through the student’s Personal account.

Please note: we consider the applications based on the provisions of The Regulations for Providing Accommodation at St Petersburg University Halls of Residence.

St Petersburg University provides additional accommodation for student’s family members under the provisions of clauses 2.11 and 2.13 of the foregoing Regulations in the following periods:

- from 7 September to 15 August when accommodating the minors,

- from 1 November to 30 June when accommodating spouses.

Your application for additional accommodation in St Petersburg University halls of residence for your family members submitted through your Personal account shall be considered if:

  • you are a non-resident or foreign student (do not possess the permanent registration in the territory of St Petersburg), and your family members do not possess any registration in St Petersburg;
  • you are neither on your academic leave nor on any other type of vocation.
  • you are accommodated in one of St Petersburg University halls of residence (you are a party to the rental agreement) or you have applied for accommodation through your Personal account;

To apply for additional accommodation, you should:

  1. Create your application (in the Personal account menu go to ‘ASPPLICATIONS’ -> click ‘CREATE’ -> in the field ‘APPLICATION TYPE’ type: ‘APPLICATION FOR ADDITIONAL ACCOMMODATION (NON-RESIDENTS)’. In the field ‘student’s comments’, please indicate full names of your family members concerned for accommodation.
  2. Generate application (press PRINT THE APPLICATION, open the document saved in PDF format, make sure all personal details are correct, check the reference number of the application and its date).
  3. Attach application (in the tab ‘Attached documents’ click on ‘CREATE’. In the open window from the dropdown list select ‘Document type’ - PERSONAL APPLICATION (HALLS OF RESIDENCE)’. Fill in the fields: ‘Title (additional accommodation), ‘Number’ (the application reference number - ПО-ХХХХХХХ), ‘Date’ (application date), in the field LINK TO DOCUMENT SCAN’ attach the saved document (cl. 2) through ‘Browser’ button. Press ‘OK’.
  4. Attach documents of the family members specified in the comments to the tab ‘Documents for the application’, selecting the respective type of documents from the dropdown list similar to step 3:
  • to accommodate students’ parents or students’ minor children under the age of 15 (clause 2.11 of the Regulations) - child’s birth certificates;
  • to accommodate a parent - student’s birth certificate and the parent’s ID;
  • to accommodate students’ spouses (clause 2.13 of the Regulations) - marriage certificate and the spouse’s ID (the page with data and for Russian residents - the page with the registered address)
  • foreign nationals should provide documents with their translations (Apostil) attached.
  1. Save the application (press ‘SAVE’ button)

After you have created the application, you should keep tracking its status. Should the status ‘Returned to be adjusted’ appear, you have to read the text in the field ‘Liaison's comments’, introduce appropriate adjustments/attach the missing documents, and change the application status for ‘ADJUSTMENTS MADE’ (click the banner ‘ADJUSTMENTS’, indicate the introduced adjustments in the field for the comments, and press the ‘SAVE’ button. (!) In the event there are no adjustments within three (3) workdays, an incomplete application will be rejected

After the status has been changed to ‘Ready’, you can contact the Settlement Office to be provided with additional accommodation.

(!) Please note that at the moment of application, the Settlement Office provide accommodation if there is an availability of a room/block to accommodate all family members.

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